Interactive Online Your Inner Power  Workshop, recorded in Copenhagen, Denmark.

pak deze your inner power workshop nu en begin meteen

Deze workshop is opgenomen in Kopenhagen – Denemarken en is in het Engels.

Take a pen and paper and make notes. And most of all: TAP ALONG with me and the active audience in the classroom.

It is simple and IT WORKS

It used to be €87,- but now it is only …

What do you get in this YOUR INNER POWER workshop?

  1. In this workshop you regain Your Inner Power by USING TAPPING.
  2. You get 10 videos with explanation about the technique and how you can apply this unto yourself.
  3. And one extra video to watch a demonstration and tap along in a short session with one of the attendees.
  4. In this is a session the client shared the problem she wanted to change.
  5. 1 year access, so you can watch and listen to the videos where and when and as often as you want (the big advance of ONLINE training)

1. Why I do what I do

Introduction to me, what I do and why I do it

  • fascination for human behaviour
  • human beings – and computer technique
  • programming yourself again

2. Vision and foundation

The basic fundamentals of EFT tapping & hypnosis

  • the healthy stressresponse
  • stress is a creation
  • the body doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality

4. We are programmed

  • suppress or release
  • programmed with the best intensions
  • tidying up, updating and installing

5. Re-programming your mind online

  • what is learned can be unlearned
  • the illusion that fear keeps you safe
  • you can change in one second

8. How you release stress

  • find what works best for you and test it
  • practise, exercise, apply
  • it only works when you do it

10. Can we tap on our kids and cats?

  • everybody is responsible for him/her/itself
  • the distinction between helping and manipulating
  • “Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody himself.” (Tolstoj)

It used to be €87,- but now it is only … €37,-

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